Monday, November 30, 2009

Activity 11- Old to young

For this image I tried making the old woman look younger. I couldn't find the original picture again of the old woman. I used different tools to make her look younger. For example i used the healing brush tool for her face, as well as the smudge tool. I made darker highlights on her hair and I tried taking the wrinkles off her face. 

Activity 11- Fat to skinny

For this image i did, i took a picture of a fat woman and made her skinny. On the right side you can see the fat woman, and on the left side you can see the skinny woman. I went to filter, then liquify to make the effects. I also used the healing brush tool for her legs and face. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Activity 9- pet

Publish Post                This is an image of a Piger, it is a pig and a tiger mixed together. For this picture I used three different lighting effects in both the animal and the background. I tried making the background darker and the animal lighter. 

Activity 8- sports star

I used several tools to create this picture. For example i went to filter, render, and then did lighting effects. I made the background with more light.
For this picture i used the smudge tool. Another tool i used was the blur tool. I also tried moving the pictures around to make my collage.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Activity 7

For this picture i used the burn tool and the smudge tool. I also used variations for the face.